Friday 4 November 2011

writers wanted

Now i know that this blog is up and running even with one writer, me,The only things required is you must be on stardoll and you have to have a wordpress account if i get many applications i will have a contest but i wont know for sure until people apply!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I would love to be a writer in your blog. I don't have a wordpress account, but I have a blogspot account (obviously)!

    My stardoll account is: miss.gold1997 in which I have 3 clubs, one is all about getting Free Stuff, and at the moment, it has 2,022 members!

    I also own 2 fashion clubs, in which I love fashion, and like my blog:, I can make outfits, and unique that look expensive, but are actually cheaper than they look.

    I hope you consider me to be one (or just the) writer for your blog! I am very active on Stardoll, and love stardoll so much :)

    Thank you,

